Welcome, and a response to some anti-vaccination claims

Hi there. This is the first of what I hope to be a weeky or bi-weekly series of entries on what the science actually has to say about certain topics.

My intent is not to dissuade those who have already decided that some form of pseudo-science is true. Instead, I want to address those who for the most part believe that modern science is right, but have perhaps heard about a claim about a scientific topic and are curious about what the current scientific consensus is.

In essence… I try to debunk pseudoscience but realize I will not convince anyone who has already made their decision.

To get things started, I am linking to something I recently wrote on another of my blogs, which made me decide to start this one.

The article is a response to some anti-vaccination claims that were presented to me:


I invite anybody to send questions or comments to wss@40two.org

And comments will be open on any posting.

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